Considering the need to develop the provision of practical services in the country, support private sector investment, as well as protect the rights of data center service providers and consumers and the principles governing the rating of data centers, for the first time, with the initiative of the regulatory commission for data center audit, The relevant regulation known as Resolution No. 3 of Session No. 247 dated 09/07/1395 was approved.

In fact, based on this resolution, the Information Technology Organization of Iran was obliged as an executor to rank data centers within the framework of this resolution.

What departments in data centers are audited?
Four main groups or four main indicators are examined in the data center audit group:

- Physical infrastructure
2- Construction of information technology
3- Data center management
4- Additional items and sub-branches of each division and the validity period of the certificates were determined for three years.

What is the process of auditing data centers?
In addition to the importance of providing the physical conditions and components of a data center as the initial steps of establishing the center, other matters including the architecture, layout, infrastructure and equipment necessary for the proper use of services and providing optimal environmental conditions required by the center, as well It is of great importance and is the main basis for determining trends related to data center evaluation and rating audits.

In the audit structure, a word called data center life cycle is explained that this life cycle includes 8 main results, which are based on the following stages of the audit by the institutions providing audit services:

Setting up
team building
Immigration and retirement

Types of data center audit standards
In fact, the life cycle of data centers has been created based on the standards of international authorities, and most of the data centers have been created based on the TIA-942 B standard in the country.

In order to actually be able to use all international technical capacities, the latest versions of the following standards have been used in the preparation of data center audit documents.

It is worth mentioning that the compliance of the activities with the measures of the data center can be done based on the following standards and, if necessary, with the previous versions of these standards and according to the applicant's self-declaration.

TIA-942 B 2017 standard
BICSI standard 2019-002
UPTIME-2019 standard
ISO22237-1 to 7-2018 standard
EN 50600-1 to 7-2018 standard

Alborz Smart Processing Chekauk Company with the brand name Chekauk Data Center is one of the eleven data centers of the country that has successfully obtained the rating certificate of the data center service providers of the country from the Information Technology Organization.