Electronic commerce law

Chapter 1 - General regulations

The first topic - in general

The first chapter - the scope and scope of the law
Article 1 - This law is a set of principles and rules that are used for easy and safe exchange of information in electronic interfaces and using new communication systems.

The second chapter - definitions
Article 2 -
A- "Data Message": Any symbol of an event, information or concept that is produced, sent, received, stored or processed by electronic, optical or new information technologies.
B- "Originator": The original source of the "message data" is the one who produces or sends the "message data" by him or on his behalf, but does not include the person who acts as an intermediary regarding the "message data".
C- "Addressee": is a person who the originator intends to receive the "message data", but does not include a person who acts as an intermediary in connection with the "message data".
D- "Incorporation By Reference": It means to refer to sources outside of "message data", which are considered part of "message data" if they comply with Article (18) of this law.

E- "Integrity of the message data" (Integrity): is the complete and unchanged existence of the "message data". Actions resulting from the administration of the system, such as sending, storing or displaying information that are usually done, do not harm the integrity of the "message data".
And - "Computer System": any type of device or set of connected hardware-software devices that operates by executing automatic "message data" processing programs.
G- "Information System": It is a system for generating (originalizing), sending, receiving, storing or processing "message data".
H- "Secure Information System": It is an information system that:

i - "Secure Method": It is a procedure to verify the accuracy of "message data" registration, its origin and destination by determining the date and to find any errors or changes in the exchange, content or storage of "message data" from a certain time. . A secure procedure may be performed using algorithms or codes, identification words or numbers, encryption, authentication or response methods, or similar security methods.
J- "Electronic Signature": It is any type of sign attached or logically connected to the "message data" which is used to identify the signer of the "message data".
K - "secure electronic signature"
(Secure/Enhanced/Advanced Electronic Signature): Any electronic signature that complies with Article (10) of this law.

J- "Electronic Signature": It is any type of sign attached or logically connected to the "message data" which is used to identify the signer of the "message data".
K - "secure electronic signature"
(Secure/Enhanced/Advanced Electronic Signature): Any electronic signature that complies with Article (10) of this law.
l - "Signatory": any person or his representative who produces an electronic signature.

M - "Person": It is either a natural or legal person or computer systems under their control.
N- "Reasonableness Test" (Reasonableness Test): according to the situation and circumstances of the "message data" exchange, including: the nature of the exchange, the skill and position of the parties, the volume of the parties' exchanges in similar cases, the availability of the proposed options and the rejection of those options by Each of the parties, the cost of the proposed options, customs and common methods used in this type of exchange are evaluated.

Q- "Consumer": Any person who acts for a purpose other than business or professional occupation.
A- "Supplier": It means a person who operates based on commercial, trade or professional qualifications.
F- "Means of Distance Communication": means any type of means that is used without the simultaneous physical presence of the supplier and the consumer to sell goods and services.

P. "Distance Contract": Demand and acceptance of goods and services between the supplier and the consumer using means of distance communication.
Q - "Durable Medium": Means by which the consumer can personally store the relevant "message data" on it, including floppy disk, compact disk, hard disk, or the consumer's e-mail.
R - "Private Data" means "message data" related to a real person ("Data Subject") specific and definite.

The third chapter - interpretation of the law
Article 3 - In the interpretation of this law, one should always pay attention to the international character, the need to develop coordination between countries in its application, and to observe the necessity of good faith.
Article 4 - In cases of silence or ambiguity in the first chapter of this law, judicial courts must judge based on other relevant laws and comply with the framework of chapters and articles contained in this law.

The fourth chapter - Validity of private contracts
Article 5 - Any change in the production, sending, receiving, storing or processing of message data is valid with the agreement and special contract of the parties.

- Written, original signature
Article 6 - Whenever the existence of a writing is required by law, "message data" is written in the ruling, except in the following cases:
A- Real estate ownership documents.
B - Sale of pharmaceuticals to final consumers.
C- Announcement, warning, warning or similar expressions that issue a specific order for the use of goods or prohibit the use of certain methods in the form of action or omission.

C - The information that specifies the origin, destination, time of sending and receiving the data of the message should also be kept, if any.
D - Other conditions that each institution, organization, government agency or ministry has established regarding the storage of message data related to its area of ​​responsibility have been provided.
Article 9 - Whenever there is a situation where the transmission of "message data" is terminated at a certain point and the use of paper documents is replaced, the paper document issued under these conditions must explicitly announce the end of "message data" exchange. Substitution of paper documents instead of "message data" will not affect the previous rights and obligations of the parties.

The third topic - secure "message data".

Chapter 1 - Secure electronic signature and record
Article 10 - A secure electronic signature must have the following conditions:
A- Be unique to the signatory.
B- find out the identity of the signer of "message data".
C - It is issued by the signatory or under his exclusive will.
D - to be connected to a "message data" in a way that any change in that "message data" can be recognized and discovered.
Article 11 - A secure electronic record is "message data" that is stored in accordance with the conditions of a secure information system and is accessible and understandable when necessary.

Chapter 2 - Acceptance, evidential value and record effects and secure electronic signature
Article 12 - Documents and evidence to prove a claim may be in the form of message data, and no court or government office can reject the probative value of "message data" simply because of its form and format, based on existing evidence rules.
Article 13 - In general, the probative value of "message data" is determined according to certain factors, including the appropriateness of security methods used with the subject and the purpose of "message data" exchange.

Article 14 - All "message data" that have been created and stored in a secure way, in terms of the contents and signatures included in it, the obligations of the parties or the party that made the commitment and all the persons who are considered their legal representatives, the implementation of its provisions and other works in valid documents. and can be cited in judicial and legal authorities.
Article 15 - In relation to secure "message data", secure electronic records, and secure electronic signatures, there is no denying or doubting, and one can only claim that the said "message data" is fake or prove that the said "message data" has been legally invalidated in some way. Is.
Article 16 - Any "message data" that is registered and maintained by a third party in accordance with the conditions of Article (11) of this law is reliable.

The fourth topic - exchange of "message data"

Chapter 1 - Legal validity of reference in "Message data", contract and will of the parties
Article 17 - "Reference in message data" is valid subject to the following conditions:
A- The referred item should be specified explicitly in the "message data".
B- The reference should be clear and specific for the other party who relies on it.
C - "Message data" is the subject of reference accepted by the party.

The second chapter - the assignment of "message data"
Article 18 - In the following cases, "message data" is attributed to the originator:
A- If it was sent by the originator or by a person who was authorized to do so by the originator.
b- If it is sent by the programmed information system or automatic administration from the originator.

Article 19 - "Message data" that is sent based on one of the following conditions, the addressee has the right to consider it sent, and act according to such an assumption (sent):
A- A method has already been introduced or agreed upon by the originator to determine whether the "message data" is the one sent by the originator,
B- The "message data" received by the addressee resulted from the actions of a person whose relationship with the originator or his representatives caused the said person to gain access to the method used by the originator and recognize the "message data" as his "message data".

Article 20 - Article (19) of this law does not include cases where the message was not issued by the originator or was issued by mistake.
Article 21 - Each "message data" is considered a separate and independent "message data", unless it is clear that that "message data" is a reprint of the original "message data".

The third chapter - Acknowledgment of receipt
Article 22 - Whenever, before or during the sending of "message data", the originator requests or agrees with the addressee that the receipt of "message data" is acknowledged, if the form or method of acknowledgment is not agreed upon, any type of automatic communication or correspondence or the adoption of any appropriate measure by The addressee who reasonably assures the originator of receiving the "message data" is considered as confirmation of receiving the "message data".

Article 23 - If the originator has explicitly made any legal effect of the "message data" subject to confirmation of the receipt of the "message data", the "message data" shall be deemed not sent, unless its confirmation is received.
Article 24 - The claim of receiving "message data" is not true regarding the content of "message data".
Article 25 - When it is stated in the confirmation that "message data" was received in accordance with the technical requirements of the standard or the method agreed upon by the parties, it is assumed that those requirements have been met.

The fourth chapter - time and place of sending and receiving "message data"
Article 26 - The sending of "message data" is realized when it is entered into an information system outside the control of the originator or his representative.
Article 27 - The time of receiving "message data" will be according to the following conditions:

A - If the recipient's information system is set to receive "message data", receive.
It is achieved when:
1- "message data" is entered into the specified information system; Or
2- If the "message data" is entered into the information system of the addressee other than the system designated exclusively for this purpose, the "message data" shall be recovered.
B - If the recipient has not specified an information system for receiving, the receipt is realized when the "message data" enters the recipient's information system.
Article 28 - The provisions of Article (27) of this law are valid regardless of the location of the information system

Article 29 - If the location of the information system is different from the location of receiving "message data", the following rule is followed:
A - The originator's place of business or work is the place of sending "message data" and the addressee's place of business or work is the place of receiving "message data" unless otherwise agreed.
B- If the originator has more than one place of business or work, the closest place to the origin of the transaction will be the place of business or work, otherwise the main place of the company is the place of business or work.
C - If the originator or the addressee do not have a place of business or work, their legal residence will be the property.

Article 30 - Legal effects after assignment, receipt of confirmation and time and place of sending and receiving "message data" are the subject of the second to fourth chapters of the fourth topic of this law, as well as the content of "message data" are subject to general rules.

Chapter II - Offices of Electronic Certificate Issuance Services
(Certification Service Provider)

Article 31 - Electronic certificate issuing service offices are units that are established to provide electronic signature issuing services in the country. These services include producing, issuing, storing, sending, verifying, revoking and updating electronic certificates of authenticity (signature).
Article 32 - The protocols and rules of the establishment system and the description of the duties of these offices will be prepared by the country's management and planning organization and the ministries of commerce, communications and information technology, economic affairs and finance and justice and will be approved by the cabinet.

The third chapter - in different rules

The first topic - exclusive support in the context of electronic exchanges

Chapter 1 - Consumer Protection

Article 33 - Sellers of goods and service providers must provide consumers with information effective in making a decision to buy or accept the conditions from a suitable time before the contract. The minimum necessary information includes the following:
A- Technical specifications and functional features of goods or services.
B- The identity of the supplier, the business name under which he is engaged in activities and his address.
C - E-mail address, phone number or any method that the customer should use to communicate with the seller.
D - All costs that will be borne by the customer for the purchase of goods (including the price of goods or services, tax amount, shipping cost, call cost).

E- The period of time that the offer is valid.
And - the conditions and process of the contract, including the arrangement and method of payment, delivery or execution, termination, referral, after-sales services.
Article 34 - The supplier must send the following information separately while confirming the preliminary information:

A- The address of the business or business place of the supplier for a possible complaint.
B - Information about warranty and after-sales support.
C - The terms and procedure of termination of the transaction according to articles (37) and (38) of this law.
D - Termination conditions in service contracts.

Article 35 - Notification information and confirmation of notification information to the consumer must be provided in a durable, clear and explicit medium and at the right time and with the right means of communication within a certain period of time and based on the need for good faith in transactions, including the need to respect disabled people and children. .
Article 36 - In case of using voice communication, the identity of the supplier and his intention to contact the consumer must be clearly stated at the beginning of each conversation.
Article 37 - In any distance transaction, the consumer must have at least seven working days to withdraw (the right to withdraw) from his acceptance without incurring a fine or presenting a reason. The only cost imposed on the consumer will be the cost of returning the goods.

Article 38 - The right to withdraw will start in the following order:
A- In case of sale of goods, from the date of delivery of goods to the consumer and in case of sale of services, from the day of conclusion.
B- In any case, the consumer's right of withdrawal will start after providing the information that the supplier is obliged to provide according to articles (33) and (34) of this law.
C- As soon as the consumer uses the right of withdrawal, the supplier is obliged to return the same amount received to the consumer as soon as possible without demanding any money.

D - The consumer's right to withdraw will not be implemented in cases where certain conditions govern the type of goods and services. Its cases are according to the regulations that will be found in Article (79) of this law.
Article 39 - If the supplier is unable to fulfill his obligations during the transaction due to the lack of stock of the goods or the impossibility of performing the services, he must immediately return the amount received to the addressee, except in general sales and obligations where it is impossible to fulfill the obligation forever and The customer is ready to wait until the possibility of delivering the goods or fulfilling the obligation. If it turns out that the supplier knew from the beginning that it was impossible to fulfill his obligation, in addition to the need to return the amount received, he will also be sentenced to the maximum penalty stipulated in this law.

Article 40 - The supplier can deliver or provide goods or services similar to what he promised to the consumer, provided that he has announced it before or during the transaction.
Article 41 - If the supplier sends goods or services other than the subject of the transaction or commitment to the addressee, the goods or services will be referred and the cost of the referral will be borne by the supplier. If the aforementioned goods or services are requested by the supplier as a transaction or other commitment, the customer can accept it.

Article 42 - The protections of this chapter will not be implemented in the following cases:
A- Financial services, the list of which is according to the regulations that will be found in Article (79) of this law.
B- Transactions related to the sale of immovable property or ownership rights arising from immovable property, except for rent.
C - Buying from direct sales machines of goods and services.
D- Transactions that are done using a public phone.
E- Transactions about auctions.

Article 43 - The supplier should not assume the consumer's silence on his satisfaction.
Article 44 - In cases of dispute or doubt, judicial authorities will deal with it.
Article 45 - The implementation of consumer rights according to this law should not be stopped based on other laws that provide weaker protection.
Article 46 - The use of contractual terms contrary to the provisions of this chapter, as well as applying unfair terms to the detriment of the consumer, is not effective.

Article 47 - In remote transactions, that part of the subject matter of the transaction that is carried out in a way other than remote communication will not be subject to the provisions of this law.
Article 48 - Legal and civil organizations protecting consumer rights can file a lawsuit as a plaintiff. Its arrangement will be based on a regulation proposed by the Ministry of Commerce and approved by the Council of Ministers.
Article 49 - The consumer's rights when using electronic payment means are based on the laws and regulations that have been or will be approved by the relevant legal authorities.

The second chapter - in the rules of advertising - (Marketing)

Article 50 - In advertising their goods and services, suppliers should not commit an act or omission that causes suspicion or deceives the audience in terms of quantity and quality.
Article 51 - Suppliers who advertise to sell their goods and services should not endanger people's health.
Article 52 - The supplier must advertise in such a way that the consumer understands the information about the goods and services accurately, correctly and clearly.
Article 53 - In advertising and marketing, the identity of the person or company whose advertising benefits should be clear and explicit.

Article 54 - Suppliers should not abuse the special characteristics of electronic transactions in order to hide facts related to their identity or place of business.
Article 55 - Suppliers must consider arrangements for consumers so that they can decide to receive advertisements to their postal address or e-mail.
Article 56 - The suppliers in advertising must act according to the professional procedure. Its rules are according to the regulations that will be found in Article (79) of this law.
Article 57 - Advertising and marketing for children and teenagers under the legal age is according to the statute that will be found in Article (79) of this law.

Chapter 3 - Protection of personal "message data" (Data Protection)
Article 58 - It is illegal to store, process or distribute personal "message data" indicating ethnic or racial origins, ideological, religious views, moral characteristics and "message data" regarding the physical, mental or sexual condition of persons without their explicit consent. .
Article 59 - If the subject of the "message data" consents, provided that the content of the message data is in accordance with the laws approved by the Islamic Council, the storage, processing and distribution of personal "message data" in the context of electronic exchanges must be done according to the following conditions:

A- Its goals are clear and clearly described.
B- "Message data" should be collected only as much as necessary and in accordance with the purposes described for the subject of "message data" during collection and used only for the specified purposes.
C - "Message data" must be correct and up-to-date.
D - The subject of "message data" must have access to computer files containing personal "message data" and be able to delete or correct incomplete or incorrect "message data".

E- The subject of "message data" should be able to request the complete erasure of the computer file of "message data" related to him at any time in compliance with the relevant criteria.
Article 60 - The storage, processing or distribution of "message data" related to medical and health records is subject to the regulations that will be found in Article (79) of this law.
Article 61 - Other matters related to the access of "message data", such as exceptions, its disclosure to third parties, protest, safety procedures, institutions responsible for monitoring and controlling the flow of personal "message data" according to the articles contained in the fourth chapter of this law and the charter will be relevant.

The second topic - protection of "message data" in the context of electronic exchanges

The first chapter - protection of author's rights (Author's Right/Copyright) in the platform of exchanges

Article 62 - The right to copy, publish and distribute (offer and publish) works under the protection of the law on the protection of the rights of authors, writers and artists approved 9.3.1348 and the law on the translation and reproduction of books, publications and audio works approved 26.9.1352 and the law on the protection of the rights of computer software creators approved 1379.10.4, in the form of "message data" is exclusively available to the author.All works and compositions that are in the form of "message data", including information, computer software and programs, computer tools and methods, and databases, as well as the protection of intellectual property rights in the context of electronic exchanges, including patents, design rights, copyrights, and rights related to The author, support of databases, support of integrated circuit maps of electronic components (Integrated Circuits & Chips) and protection of trade secrets, subject to the laws mentioned in this article and the Law on Registration of Trademarks and Patents approved 1310.4.1 and the Amended Regulations for the Implementation of the Law on Registration of Trademarks and Patents It will be 14.4.1337, subject to the fact that the matters mentioned in those two laws are in accordance with the approvals of the Islamic Council.

Note 1 - Rights related to literary and artistic property (Related Rights), which were previously known as neighboring rights of literary and artistic property (Neighboring Rights), include material and intellectual rights for other elements besides the author, including the rights of performing artists, audio producers and video and recording and broadcasting organizations and institutions that are subject to the laws approved in 1348.9.3 and 1352.9.26 mentioned in this article.

Note 2 - An integrated circuit is an electronic component with a special map and logic, whose performance and efficiency can be replaced by a large number of conventional electronic components. The map designs, location and logic of these circuits are supported according to the Law of Registration of Trademarks and Inventions approved in 1310.4.1 and the amending regulations for the implementation of the Law of Registration of Trademarks and Inventions approved in 1337.4.14.
Article 63 - The temporary application of reproduction, execution and distribution of the work, which is an integral part of the technical process of "message data" processing in the networks, is outside the scope of the above regulation.

Chapter Two - Protecting Trade Secrets
Article 64 - In order to support legitimate and fair competition in the context of electronic exchanges, illegal acquisition of commercial and economic secrets of companies and institutions for themselves or disclosure of them to third parties in the electronic environment is considered a crime and the perpetrator will be punished as prescribed in this law.

Article 65 - Electronic trade secrets are "message data" that include information, formulas, patterns, software and programs, tools and methods, techniques and processes, unpublished works, methods of doing business and trading, techniques, maps and processes, information Finance is a list of clients, business plans and the like, which independently have economic value and are not available to the public, and reasonable efforts have been made to preserve and protect them.

Chapter Three - Protecting Trade Names
Article 66 - In order to protect the rights of consumers and to encourage legitimate competition in the context of electronic exchanges, the use of trademarks in the form of domain names or any kind of online display of trademarks that causes deception or suspicion of the authenticity of goods and services. It is forbidden and the violator will be punished according to this law.

Chapter IV - Crimes and punishments

The first topic - computer fraud

Article 67 - Anyone in the field of electronic exchanges, by misusing or unauthorized use of "message data", programs and computer systems and remote communication devices and committing actions such as entering, erasing, stopping "message data", interfering with the operation of a computer program or system etc. to deceive others or to mislead automatic processing systems and the like and in this way to acquire funds, property or financial privileges for himself or others and to take other people's property is considered a criminal and in addition to returning the property to the property owners, imprisonment from one to three year and pay a fine equivalent to the property taken.
Note - Starting this crime is also considered a crime and its punishment is the minimum punishment prescribed in this article.

The second topic - computer forgery

Article 68 - Anyone in the context of electronic exchanges, through entering, changing, erasing and stopping "message data" and interfering in the processing of "message data" and computer systems, or using tools of cryptographic systems to generate signatures - such as a private key - without the signer's permission. or producing a signature without a record of registration in the list of electronic document offices, or the non-compliance of those devices with the owner's name in the said list, and obtaining a fake certificate, etc., to falsify "message data" with financial and evidential value in order to submit it to the administrative authorities , judicial, financial, etc. as "message data".validly used, is considered a fake and will be sentenced to imprisonment from one to three years and a fine of fifty million (50,000,000) Rials.
Comment - The punishment for starting this crime is the minimum punishment in this article.

validly used, is considered a fake and will be sentenced to imprisonment from one to three years and a fine of fifty million (50,000,000) Rials.
Comment - The punishment for starting this crime is the minimum punishment in this article.

The third issue - Violation of exclusive rights in the context of electronic exchanges

Chapter 1 - Violation of consumer rights and advertisement rules
Article 69 - The supplier who violates articles (33), (34), (35), (36) and (37) of this law will be punished with a penalty of ten million (10,000,000) rials to fifty million (50,000,000) rials. .
Comment - The supplier who violates Article (37) will be sentenced to the maximum penalty.
Article 70 - The supplier who violates the articles (39), (50), (51), (52), (53), (54) and (55) of this law shall be punished from twenty million (20,000,000) rials to one hundred Million (100,000,000) Rials will be condemned.
Note 1 - The supplier who violates Article (51) of this law will be sentenced to the maximum punishment in this article.
Note 2 - The supplier who violates Article (55) of this law will be sentenced to the minimum punishment in this article.

Chapter II - Violation of protection of personal "message data". Protection of data

Article 71 - Anyone who violates the conditions stipulated in articles (58) and (59) of this law in the context of electronic exchanges is considered a criminal and will be sentenced to one to three years in prison.
Article 72 - Whenever crimes related to personal "message data" are committed by electronic certificate issuing service offices and other responsible institutions, the perpetrator will be sentenced to the maximum punishment prescribed in Article (71) of this law.
Article 73 - If crimes related to personal "message data" occur due to carelessness and carelessness of electronic certification service offices, the perpetrator will be sentenced to three months to one year in prison and pay a fine of fifty million (50,000,000) Rials.

The fourth issue - violation of the protection of "message data" in the context of electronic exchanges

First chapter - Violation of copyright
Article 74 - Anyone in the context of electronic exchanges by duplicating, performing and distributing (supplying and publishing) the things that are mentioned in the law on the protection of the rights of authors, writers and artists approved on 3.9.1348 and the law on the translation and reproduction of books, publications and audio works approved on 26.9.1352 and the law on the protection of The rights of creators of computer software approved on 10.4.1379, subject to the said matters being considered permissible according to the approvals of the Islamic Council, in case it violates the specified rights of the authors, the punishment is three months to one year in prison and a fine of fifty million (50,000,000) Rial will be condemned.The fourth issue - violation of the protection of "message data" in the context of electronic exchanges

First chapter - Violation of copyright
Article 74 - Anyone in the context of electronic exchanges by duplicating, performing and distributing (supplying and publishing) the things that are mentioned in the law on the protection of the rights of authors, writers and artists approved on 3.9.1348 and the law on the translation and reproduction of books, publications and audio works approved on 26.9.1352 and the law on the protection of The rights of creators of computer software approved on 10.4.1379, subject to the said matters being considered permissible according to the approvals of the Islamic Council, in case it violates the specified rights of the authors, the punishment is three months to one year in prison and a fine of fifty million (50,000,000) Rial will be condemned.

Chapter 3 - Violation of trademarks
Article 76 - Violators of Article (66) of this law will be sentenced to one to three years of imprisonment and a fine of twenty million (20,000,000) Rials to one hundred million (100,000,000) Rials.

The fourth chapter - Others
Article 77 - Other crimes, procedures and regulations related to criminal jurisdiction and methods of international criminal judicial cooperation related to the platform of electronic exchanges will be according to the law.

Chapter Five - Compensation

Article 78 - Whenever damage is caused to individuals in the field of electronic exchanges as a result of a defect or weakness in the system of private and public institutions, except as a result of the physical disconnection of electronic communication, the said institutions are responsible for compensating the damages unless the damages are caused by the personal actions of individuals that in this Compensation for damages will be the responsibility of these persons.

Chapter 6 - Misc

Article 79 - The Ministry of Commerce is obliged to identify the fields related to electronic commerce that are effective in the implementation of this law and, with the proposal and approval of the Supreme Council of Information Technology, demand the development of the relevant regulations and bylaws of this law by the relevant institutions. These bylaws and regulations will come into effect after the approval of the Cabinet. Other regulations mentioned in this law will be prepared in the following order:

A- By-laws related to Articles (38) and (42) of this law will be prepared and approved by the Cabinet of Ministers at the suggestion of the Ministries of Commerce, Economic Affairs and Property, the Country Management and Planning Organization and the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
B- By-laws related to articles (56) and (57) of this law will be prepared and approved by the Cabinet of Ministers at the suggestion of the Ministries of Commerce, Culture and Islamic Guidance and the Organization of Management and Planning of the country.
C - The regulations related to Article (60) of this law will be prepared and approved by the Cabinet of Ministers at the suggestion of the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education and the Organization of Management and Planning of the country.

Article 80 - The Ministry of Commerce is obliged to establish a center in this ministry by bringing together relevant units in order to support e-commerce activities. The charter and regulations of this center will be prepared by the joint proposal of the Ministry of Commerce and the country's management and planning organization and will be approved by the cabinet. .
Article 81 - The originators, addressees, archives, consumers and all those who have "message data" are obliged to keep the "message data" under their responsibility in a way and prepare a backup in case of any danger to One version, the other version will be safe.

The above law, consisting of eighty-one articles and seven notes, was approved by the Islamic Council in a public meeting on Wednesday, January 17th, 1382, and approved by the Guardian Council on 10.24.1382.