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Certificates and Credits

License to rank datacenters

Chakavak Data Center is one of the 11 companies that have a license to rate data centers in the country

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License to operate in Iranian ICT Guild

From the beginning of its activity, Chakavak data center obtained its license from the organization of the computer trade union system and is considered one of the activists of this trade union.

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Electronics and Computer Syndicate

Chakavak Datacenter adheres to the laws governing trade unions and the laws governing the Ministry of Industry and Mines and has become a member of Iran, Karaj Electronics and Computer Union.

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Iranian Information Technology Association

In order to support research, Chakavak Datacenter is one of the members of the largest scientific association in the field of informatics in Iran

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Knowledge based company

Chakavak is a knowledge-based company approved by the Vice President of Science and Technology

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License to operate cloud computing

Technical and legal approval of cloud chakavak by Iran Information and Communication Technology Research Institute

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