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Chakavak Private Cloud

Base your entire data center on Chakavak clouds

Chakavak Private Cloud

The private cloud service is a model of chakavakk solutions in which the entire cloud infrastructure, including the computer controller and storage, is assigned to a user or organization, and of course the hardware used is completely exclusive and can host all the services or the recovery structure. After the company's crisis.
In this solution, all matters related to setting up the cloud, maintenance, installation and support will be done by the experienced Chakavak team, and the organization can safely entrust the development and expansion processes of its system to the Chakavak team.
Private cloud solutions offer organizations more control and security compared to other cloud services, although they require a much higher level of IT expertise than using a public cloud. It is a unit that is exclusively provided to the user. Organizations increase the efficiency and optimality of their private cloud infrastructure through the virtualization of hardware components. A free briefing and technical session will be held to use Chakavak's private cloud service.


Features of Chakavak Private Cloud